This 20 year project "Grid System" depicts the mechanics of city life through the use of medium format analogue film and enlarged photographic contact sheets (shot on Kodak stock with Agfa Isolette, Mamiya Press and Hasselblad). The work stems from an interest in what is possible both photographically, because I enjoy a challenge, and more broadly in terms of urbanism, the functionally of cities, and the opportunities they provide their citizens.
Inspired by Picasso and Braque who struggled with the two dimensional nature of the canvas and arrived at cubism (whilst watching movies together), I use contact sheets to allow me to ease aside the key photographic limitations of where to stand and when to press the shutter button; these works are made across hours or days, and from different locations relative to the subject, allowing my work to subtly transcend time and space, describing urban phenomena in a more complex narrative that mimics how we truly perceive our surroundings, as an amalgam of many different impressions.